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Adult Fiction Titles         Juvenile Titles

Vainik 1,000 Luchshikh Retseptov Domashnei Vypechki // 1,000 easy-to-follow recipes of baked
goods for almost every imaginable occasion  (2008)
Polenova 1000 Luchshikh Retseptov Narodnoi Meditsiny. Zolotaia Kniga Narodnoi Meditsiny // A folk
remedy encyclopedia contains more than 1, 000 recipes and healing solutions.  (2008)
Nikol'skaia 115 na 75. Davlenie na “Otlichno”. Kak Reshat' Problemu Gipertonii // High blood pressure
healed with the help of herbs and natural supplements  (2008)
Drozdov/Drozdov Bolezni Serdtsa i Sosudov. Polnyi Spravochnik // Everything one needs to know about
cardiovascular health and disease prevention  (2008)
Obama Derzost' Nadezhdy: Mysli o Vozrozhdenii Amerikanskoi Mechty/The audacity of hope:
thoughts on reclaiming the American Dream  (2008)
Dobrov Effektivnoe Pitanie po Gruppam Krovi // eat right for your blood type  (2008) $11
  Entsiklopediia Koldovstva i Zashchity ot Nego // a complete guide to the mysteries of
black and white magic available today  (2008)
Budnyi Gotovim Vkusno i Bystro // over 500 tasty meals in less than 30 minutes from all over
the world  (2008)
Chaplin Kak Zastavit' Liudei Smeiat'sia/My autobiography: how to make people laugh  (2008) $50
Brzezinski Kazino Moskva/Casino Moscow: a tale of greed and adventure on Capitalism's wildest
Alekseeva Krasno-Belyi Roman. Larisa Reisner v Sud'be Nikolaia gumileva I Anny akhmatovoi //
the intimate relationships between 3 famous Russian poets  (2008)
Lowenthal Modnoe Viazanie. 25 Stil'nykh Veshchits: Prosto i Bystro/Love to knit. 25 quick and stylish
projects you will love to knit  (2008)
Grossman Neraskrytoe Ubiistvo. Chem Meshala Aleksandru Sukhovo-Kobylinu Luiza Demansh //
fascinating research dedicated to Russian classic-dramatist Alexander Sukhovo-Kobylin
charged, but never convicted, of killing his French lover  (2008)
Danilova Rokovoi Venets // short historical sketches about world's most notorious women who
struggled to gain power and throne  (2008)
Chuprinin Russkaia Literatura Segodnia: Zarubezh'e // unique encyclopedia about Russian writers/authors,
periodicals, literary awards and literature in general outside of Russia  (2008)
Agapova Supermeny rossiiskogo Kino // portraits of 5 popular Russian movie actors, includes
many photos  (2008)
Byrne Taina/The Secret // New Age self-help book on the law of attraction and on how to use The
Secret in every aspect of your life -- money, health, relationships, happiness, and in every
interaction you have in the world.  (2008)
McCain Trudnye Resheniia/Hard Call: the art of great decisions  (2009) $35
Dimova Uchimsia Zhizt' s Diabetom. Vremena Goda v Meniu Diabetchika // covers all aspects of
living with diabetes, focusing on correct and healthy diets  (2008)
Fedorenko Vosstanovitel'nye Metody Lecheniia // all the schools of alternative medicine are combined
in this updated encyclopedic volume  (2008)
Vidrevich Vse o Samykh Populiarnykh Dietakh // a complete guide to dieting: the most popular and
most efficient diets—all under one cover  (2008)
Goreslavskaia Zhenshchina vo Vlasti // portraits of prominent female Russian politicians  (2008) $13


NOTE: All titles are subject to availability.

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