Journal of a Sabbatical

March 12, 2001

sky blue

Today's Reading: My Generation by Sarah Anna Emery

2001 Book List

The sky is sky blue. The G4 is kind of a smoky greenish blue. Yes, UPS finally showed up at 5:31 PM Eastern Standard Time today with the very G4 that crossed and recrossed the Atlantic with me. It now has a brand new power supply - and oh yeah, a new logic board. Evidently when the power supply blew it caused some other damage.

After another day cooped up here waiting for UPS, which is even harder when the sky is blue than when the sky is falling, umm, snowing, did I rip open the box, hook up the G4 to my monitor and check the disk? No. I left the sealed box in my living room and went out. Aimlessly out. I bought groceries, dropped the newsletter off at Kinko's, and then drove around to nowhere. Tomorrow will be soon enough to verify the G4.


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Copyright © 2001, Janet I. Egan