Def. of Learning Org LO4263

Barry Mallis (
15 Dec 1995 14:35:21 U

Reply to: RE>Def. of Learning Org LO4246


I'll relate this particular model for teams and their work.

As you probably know, teams can be viewed as moving through four distinct
stages. Movement need not necessarily be one-way, but moving from an
initial stage to the next requires building on the previous stage.

These four stages are: Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. Each
has its tasks and its behaviors. Understanding this model could be of
help to team members, because at some companies over 70% of the teams
fail. Ironically, the "hard" stuff (the data or work CONTENT) turns out
to be the "soft" stuff (relatively easy to do), while the "Soft Suff"
(team PROCESS) turns out to be the hard stuff to work through.

Perhaps the distinction between "hard stuff (content, data, expertise,
task criteria and measures, etc.) and "soft stuff" (process: team
dynamics, behavioral styles (e.g. Parker Team Player Styles),
facilitation, leadership, sponsorship, team chartering, ground rules,
etc.) sheds some light on the subject for you.

Best regards,
